Subject: Watcom 11 Makefile Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 15:42:24 -0500 From: "Dr. Stephen K. Young" To: The make file you distribute does work, with minor modifications for drive letter and path. There is no real change from Watcom 10.5 to 11. I did not actually use your make file, however, since I have a generic makefile that I !include for consistency across all my projects. If you are interested, I have attached the small VGUI and TestV make files, plus the long generic makefile that they include, which is heavily commented. Feel free to use these files if you like. The generic makefile is really more complex than you probably want, with default options to make libraries and executables under different NT and DOS target environments. You may get annoying questions about what it does and why -- I know I had many trials getting it to work! If you want to distribute these, I could simplify them slightly to run "as is" from your V directory structure. I do not yet have a make file for all of your distributed apps, which is getting to be quite a long list! Again, thanks from all of us for the enormous amount of work you have put into VGUI, then placing it into the public domain. - Steve