Important information for using V with Borland C++ Version 5.0 or later It is important to compile your V applications using the same compilation options that are used with the V library. For any V project, the following settings (from Options:Project Options menu) are needed for any V application. (You should substitute appropriate directories for your source and installation, of course.) * Directories Source Directories Include: c:\bc5\include;c:\v\includew;c:\yourappdir Library: c:\bc5\lib Source: (whatever - none necessarily needed) Output directores: Intermediate: c:\yourappdir\obj (or whatever) Final: c:\yourappdir\bin (or whatever) * Compiler nothing critical - defaults OK * 32-bit Compiler Processor Instruction set: (i486 or later) Data alignment: Word (2-byte) ! VERY IMPORTANT ! (Note: word alignment is critical because of some structure alignments required by the Windows API.) Calling convention: C * Remaining settings nothing critical - defaults OK You need to add each file and the V vbcc32.lib to your project in the Project View. If you specify full paths when adding to the Project View, you won't need to change the Project Options Source path. If I left out anything critical, I'd appreciate knowing. As far as I can tell, these setting will result in a working V application (if the app is correct, of course).