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Recent Advances and Perspectives in Synchrotron Radiation TXRF
K. Baur , J. Kerner, S. Brennan, A. Singh, and P. Pianetta, Aluminum Impurities in Silicon: Investigation of X-ray Raman Scattering in Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 2000.
J. Wang, P. Pianetta, K. Baur, and S. Brennan, Analytical Techniques for Trace Elemental Analyses on Wafer Surfaces for Monitoring and Controlling Contamination, ? , 2000.
K. Baur, A. Singh, J. Wang, J. Kerner, and P. Pianetta, Investigation of Na impurities on Si wafer surfaces using TXRF, SRI Conference Proceedings, 161, 2000.
P. Pianetta, K. Baur, A.Singh, S. Brennan, J. Kerner, D. Werho, and J. Wang. Pianetta, Application of Synchrotron Radiation to TXRF Analysis of Metal Contamnation on Silicon Wafer Surfaces, Thin Solid Films, 1999.
S. Brennan, P. Pianetta, S. Ghosh, N. Takaura, C Wiemer, A Fischer-Colbrie, S Laderman, A. Shimazaki, A. Waldhauer, M.A. Zaitz, Update on Synchrotron Radiation TXRF: New Results, MRS, 1998.
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Last modified: August 27, 2000