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The Berkeley Texture Package BEARTEX provides a set of 30
programs running under the Windows environment to analyze preferred orientation in polycrystalline
materials. The system is designed for users who are not texture
theoreticians but need quantitative texture
data for their applications. BEARTEX is independent of x-ray
hardware and many programs can also be used to process neutron
and electron diffraction data.
BEARTEX requires Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 or
Windows NT, a 386, 486 or Pentium processor. A math coprocessor
is almost a necessity as most of the programs are very
numerically intensive. VGA (640 X 480) or Super VGA (800 X 600 or
1024 X 768) color graphics is highly recommended and a HP laser
printer for output is suggested.
Beartex is constantly updated. We plan to release a new
version in Fall 2003 with some new capabilities for neutron and
synchrotron diffraction. Basic features are described in J. Appl.
Cryst. 31, 262-269 (1998).
Programs are divided into 5 groups:
1) ACQUIRE are a set of programs related to acquisition
of x-ray diffraction data. They may require some special
subroutines to interface with your goniometer hardware. Also
included are programs for data corrections, both for bulk samples
and for thin films.
- HEXF Prepares a file with angle positions for an equal
area hexagonal measuring grid
- CORR Corrects pole figure data for background and
- FICO Calculates a theoretical defocusing curve, also for
thin films
- HEXR Prepares a file for rotated angle positions (use
with CORR)
- SYPF Manipulates synchrotron data
- ABXX Corrects and processes data for strongly textured
samples (e.g. epitaxial thin films)
- THET Calculates d from 2q and 2q from d for various
2) PROCESS is the central core of BEARTEX. It contains
programs to calculate ODs and do various operations with the OD.
The programs can be formally divided into two branches, but
can be used in any sensible combination: (a) Conventional texture
analysis, (b) Single orientation analysis and modeling by
standard functions.
(a) Conventional branch
- MIMA Evaluates if OD is determinable from a given set of
complete or incomplete pole figures
- WIMV Calculates OD from a set of complete or incomplete
pole figures
- PCAL Calculates any pole figure from the OD
- ICAL Calculates inverse pole figures from the OD
- SMOO Smoothes and sharpens the OD. Useful if OD is noisy
- COMP Intensity integration within a sphere of texture
component positions
- TENS Calculates physical tensor properties of textured
- VELO Determines p, s1 and s2 wave surfaces from stiffness
(b) Single orientation branch (only simplest operations)
- STPF Calculates pole figures from standard Gaussians at
single orientations.
- STOD Calculates OD from standard Gaussians at single
- INOR Calculates OD-like representation of individual
orientation data
- MIOR Misorientations.
- ODFW Adds weights to individual orientations based on
texture densities.
3) HARMONIC contains some programs using the series
expansion method. mainly related to the treatment of individual
orientation data, e.g. from SEM-EBSP measurements. These programs
are written by Karsten Kunze, ETH.
- CLMN Calculates harmonic coefficients from the OD
- HIOR Calculates coefficients from individual orientations
- HODF Compiles ODF from coefficients
- HAPC Calculates pole figures from coefficients
- HAIC Calculates inverse pole figures from coefficients
- HROT Rotates coefficients into new orientation
4) CONVERT includes programs to change file formats,
angle conventions, orientations. The file format for pole figure
input and graphic representations is the "new" Berkeley
- CHBI Converts the standard binary OD file YOD into ASCII
- CHPF Converts pole figures. The user must provide
subroutine for individual changes
- CHWI Converts xpx to WIMV input. Used, e.g. for
synchrotron data processing
- CSEC Calculates various OD sections in different angle
conventions and sample symmetries
- CHST Converts OD from standard listing (STD) into binary
format (Y??)
- MACU Converts Macintosh/Unix data (different convention
for linefeed)
- HKLX Converts (for cubic crystals only) Euler angles to
(hkl)[uvw) and vice versa
5) DISPLAY contains programs for graphic display of
texture data on monitor (in colors with possibility to prepare
PCX file, contour plots on HP Laser Jet printer or on dot matrix
- CONT Contour plot in polar coordinates of OD-sections or
pole figures.
- POXX Color display of OD and pole figures on monitor.
Image can be stored as PCX file.
- XYCO Contour plots of OD sections or pole figures in
rectangular format.
- PTXX Plot of individual orientations (or components).
Preferred Output HP Laser Jet.
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BEARTEX can be downloaded from the web by clicking on the link
below. Follow the procedure:
- Download bear2000.CAB
to your PC computer. With Explorer double click and it
will guide you. With Netscape or Mozilla right click on
the link, then "Save Target As..."
- bear2000.CAP is a package of all files that con be
unzipped with Winzip (double click on it on the PC)
- Rename the file "temp.new"
- Start the program by clicking on Bear2000.exe. Place a
shortcut on the desktop.
- This will allow you to run the programs in a demo mode.
All windows are accessible and WIMV and POXX can be
executed. If you decide to purchase Beartex, you will
need to supply a serial number (in HELP REGISTER), then
you will get a registration number to run all programs.
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The package can be obtained from the University of California
at a nominal cost with revenues used to maintain and improve the
software. Current price for a single license is $ 1000 for
Universities and $ 2000 for Industry and Research Laboratories. A
site license can be obtained for the price of two single
licenses. Price includes shipping, technical help and free
updates for 1 year. Payment is by check or money order in US $.
Sorry, Credit Cards can not be accepted at this time. Checks are
to be made out to "Regents of the University of
California". If you are interested contact wenk@seismo.berkeley.edu or write to Rudy
Wenk, Dept. Earth and Planetary Science, University at
California, Berkeley CA 94720.
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Hans-Rudolf Wenk
Dept. Geology and Geophysics
U.C. Berkeley CA 94720
Last Edited ,)/,(/,(