20/2/95 The files in this directory are concerned with gwin2 - a genetic algorithm system. The documentation may not be quite up to scratch at the moment (I just took it straight out of my final year report). I've included a copy of the manual on how to use it, in winword, postscript and txt format. The txt version hasn't been re-formated so isn't very readable. Also included is part of the original documentation corncerning implementation details. Again, far from perfect but better than nothing. Both documents are around 50 pages. The source code compiles under BP7 but could be converted to TPW2 All the normal disclaimers about this software damaging your PC apply. For any more details contact me (Ian Munro) as I.Munro@herts.ac.uk or ian@dragon.herts.ac.uk File list readme.txt.............This file bin.txt................Executables required for system src.txt................Pascal source code man-ps.zip.............User Manual {postscript} man-doc.zip............User Manual {winword2} man-txt.zip............User Manual {text} inf-ps.zip.............Implementation Details {postscript} inf-doc.zip............Implementation Details {winword 2} inf-txt.zip............Implementations Details {text}