"Evolved Virtual Creatures" (2:51) by Karl Sims, Thinking Machines Corporation This demo contains animations of 26 different virtual creatures that emerged from simulated evolutions. Creatures are shown that resulted from each of four behavior optimization criteria: 1. Swimming speed (water environment) 2. Walking speed (land environment) 3. Jumping height (land environment) 4. Following ability (water environment) MPEG-1 compression (with only "I" frames) File size: ~9.5 Mb Image dimensions: 160x120 Frame number: 5130 Duration at 30 Hz: 2:51 Thanks to: Gary Oberbrunner Matt Fitzgibbon Lew Tucker Hardware: Connection Machine CM-5 for evolution simulation, SGI for display. For more information see: Sims, K., "Evolving Virtual Creatures," Computer Graphics (Siggraph '94) Annual Conference Proceedings, July 1994, pp.43-50.