*************************************************************** *************************************************************** **************** ***************** **************** Documentation for SHADOW ***************** **************** ***************** *************************************************************** *************************************************************** PROGRAM AUTHOR : S. A. Howard, Materials Data Inc., P. O. Box 791, Livermore, CA 94551-0791, UNITED STATES. Tel. : (1) 415-449-1084 Fax. : (1) 415-373-1659 ------------------------------------------------------- SHADOW - a general pattern analysis program. The two areas of SHADOW which we aim to utilise here are : (1). Peak-searching, (2). Peak-fitting by refinement of peak parameters. PLEASE NOTE : The graphics package associated with SHADOW has not yet been incorporated into the CCP14 Suite on account of portability problems. However, it is intended to make this addition as soon as possible. INPUT DATA FILES : Three example input data files are provided in the current directory, namely "SIBAG2.XDA", "SRM0509.XDA" and "GSA0509.XDA". The format of all of these files is : line 1 - experimental title (text). line 2 - date and time of experiment (text). line 3 - 2theta value at start of 2theta range (degrees), 2theta value at end of angular range (degrees), angular increment in 2theta (degrees) and step time (seconds). line set 4 - counts at each angular setting, expressed in an array with 10 columns. Counts for increasing 2theta are found by reading across each row, and carrying on to the next row. OPERATIONAL DETAILS : * PEAK-SEARCHING ... To invoke the program, simply type "shadow" from the same directory as the appropriate ".XDA" input data file, and then follow the prompts given by the program. At the appropriate prompt, users should select the "s" option from the list of SHADOW functions, to perform peak-searching. PLEASE NOTE - if the default option is not obtained simply by pressing RETURN following the prompt, then the user should try pressing "/" followed by RETURN. The file "pksearch.txt" in the current directory is a complete listing of the screen output during a run of SHADOW to search for peaks in the range 20 degrees to 80 degrees, based on the data from the pattern file "SIBAG2.XDA". Users may like to repeat this process on the pattern files "SRM0509.XDA" and "GSA0509.XDA". * PEAK-FITTING ... Having obtained the approximate peak positions as above, the user may now use the "r" option from the list of functions performed by SHADOW to refine peak parameters by profile fitting. The user need not exit the program in order to carry on with the peak-fitting option. The file "pkfit.txt" in the current directory is a complete listing of the screen output during a run of SHADOW to refine peak parameters. The peak at 2theta = 28.4432 degrees from the earlier peak-search stage is used as an example here. Users may like to repeat this process on the pattern files "SRM0509.XDA" and "GSA0509.XDA". DEFAULT VALUES : The file "SHADOW.DFT" contains keywords and parameter values that may be used as defaults by the SHADOW program. This file is located in the current directory. ......................................................................