Operations on a Single Spectrum


These operations affect a single spectrum in some way.

For a general introduction to operations select Operations from the help menu of the operations dialog.


The single operations dialog consists of:

a) a MENUBAR which allows other classes of operation to be selected

b) an OPTION MENU which allows you to choose between the operations in this class

c) a TEXT AREA in which to enter the numbers of the spectra on which you wish to operate


To select one of the Single class operations:

alter the current value of the option menu ( see the introductory help for more information about option menus )


select one of the items in the Single pulldown menu at the top of the Spectrum Operations Window ( see the introductory help for more information about pulldown menus )

To choose a spectrum ( or several spectra ) to be operated on


type their numbers into the text area


select them by clicking the left mouse button over them in the the List of Spectra on the main window ( there is more help about using this list under the SpectraList item on the main window Help menu )

To operate on the chosen spectrum:

operate the Operate button


press RETURN

Details of the algorithms used are given in the Motplot Users' Guide.