General Introduction to Operations

Operations are carried out on a spectrum ( i.e. a set of x values and y values ), or sometimes on two spectra. The result of an operation is always a new spectrum.

Operations in Motplot are divided into four groups:

Y-values -- these operations involve the y values of a spectrum and a constant, for example the Add and Subtract operations shift a spectrum along the Y axis.

X-values -- these operations involve the x values of a spectrum and a constant, for example the Add and Subtract operations shift a spectrum along the X axis.

Single -- these operations involve some process carried out on the spectrum as a whole for example Fourier transformation.

Multi -- these operations involve more than one spectrum. One of the spectra is interpolated onto the X values of the other before the operation is carried out. So for spectra with unequal X values A + B is not necessarily equal to B + A.

Calculator -- Alows calculator operations on the spectra, for more information see help on Calculator.

UserDefined -- Spectra can be passed to other defined programs for processing, see help on UserDefined for further information.

Background Subtraction -- Background subtraction operations can be performed on given spectra, see help on Background Subtraction for further information.

This is the range of operations currently offered, however this area is always open for expansion and it is hoped that new operations will be added to these and need arises.

There is only one operations window. Changing between the various classes of operation can be done using the menubar and pulldown menus in the operations window.